Entry from April 20, 2018

Perhaps you have noticed, as I have, the advance made upon Charles Krauthammer’s brilliant coinage of the last decade, "Bush Derangement Syndrome," by its latter-day equivalent of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is that the illness now seems to afflict almost as many Republicans as it does Democrats. Just look at the most recent column by Bret…

Zip ties and media lies

Zip ties and media lies

Are the two sides of our polarized politics really living in "alternate realities" or does it only seem that way because of their hatred for each other? — From The New Criterion of March, 2018

Entry from March 1, 2018

As a Second Amendment sort of guy, I worry that President Trump’s fundamental pragmatism has led him to abandon — or, at yesterday’s White House roundtable to think of abandoning — his fellow Republicans over gun-control in the face of the media-promoted  moral blackmail by teenage survivors of the Valentine’s Day massacre at Parkland, Florida….

Entry from December 1, 2017

A propos of the media’s on-going épuration légale of sexual malefactors in their midst, thoughtful articles in the mainstream media themselves are beginning to appear, like crocuses opening up in spring while still half buried in snow, which propose, or at least imply, that — in the words of one of them for the Washington…