Entry from October 27, 2006

The most fundamental of all the liberal principles handed down to us from the Enlightenment and the very cornerstone of our civilization is the “categorical imperative” of Immanuel Kant: namely, that one cannot act on that maxim which one cannot will to be universal. In other words, if it’s OK for me to do it,…



One of the great films of the last half century keeps being re-made, each time more memorably and more resonantly than the last

The Silly Season

The Silly Season

When the media’s eternal marketing of its revelations of hidden truths runs into a slight supply problem — From The New Criterion of September, 2006

Entry from September 26, 2006

According to The Times of London, Dominic Dromgoole, the artistic director of Shakespeare’s Globe theatre there is scoring some good press for himself and his theatre by offering to a grateful public his opinion of where Shakespeare screwed up, claiming that the even more eminent Shakespearean director, Sir Peter Hall, agrees with him. “Peter’s take…



An animated comic-book about the American airmen of the First World War may appeal to young kids, but the brightest of them will be able to spot the phoniness

Old Joy

Old Joy

Does the old hippie dream of making a revolution by self-indulgence still survive? Apparently so — at least in the movies