

What made Mark Felt into “Deep Throat”? Too late to find that out, perhaps, but we can still hope to learn what made Bob Woodward create him. From The New York Sun of July 12, 2005

Entry from July 11, 2005

A few days ago, the anti-war left and high-ranking members of the Democratic party — which increasingly speak with one voice on matters of national security — bitterly attacked President Bush for linking, once again, the war in Iraq to the terror attacks of four years ago in his speech at Ft. Bragg. “This war…



A movie about story-telling and its power for good and evil — especially over the story-tellers themselves. Not to be missed!



A retrogressive version of the old TV show sounds an intriguing idea until you realize it’s only in order to accommodate the unfunny clowning of Will Ferrell

Entry from June 21, 2005

The left is predictably eager to find in the so-called “Downing Street Memo” — in which a British intelligence official wrote back in July of 2002 his impression that President Bush had already decided to go to war in Iraq and that “the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy” — “the smoking…