Entry from June 3, 2004

Chips from the workbench. . . It is way too easy to make fun of Tina Brown’s narcissism and self-absorption, but I just couldn’t resist this wonderful example from her latest column in the Washington Post. Of course we can guess most of the reasons why Tina, like all those beautiful people with whom she…

Obligations to “Spin”

Obligations to “Spin”

Richard Clarke, Howell Raines, Jayson Blair — all are the heroes of their own self-manufactured dramas to which they imagine we all ought to pay attention

— From The New Criterion of May, 2004

Virgin Flight

Virgin Flight

What’s happened to romance? Who would have thought that it could survive in France, of all places?

— From The American Spectator of May, 2004



In case you hadn’t heard, Hollywood hates and fears religion and wants to make sure that we know all the cool people are unbelievers

Entry from May 14, 2004

Dr Johnson’s much misunderstood saying about patriotism’s being the last refuge of a scoundrel came to my mind as I read a letter to The Times of London from a Mr G.V. Harries of Cheltenham. Mr Harries had by his own account been one of the 275 now-notorious members of the Oxford Union who voted in…