Entry from June 10, 2015

Although I haven’t seen it much reported on this side of the Atlantic, the Church of England has moved on from its last concession to feminists — with the appointment of female bishops — to an apparently serious discussion of whether or not the Church is henceforth to address the author of the Universe with…

Entry from June 2, 2015

The Guardian reports on a new study published in Science purporting to show — at least according to The Guardian — that "early men and women were equal." The article’s author, Hannah Devlin, quotes Mark Dyble, one of the authors of the study, as saying: "There is still this wider perception that hunter-gatherers are more macho…

Entry from May 29, 2015

That George Stephanopoulos happened to have $75,000 in spare change lying around to donate to the Clinton Foundation was ultimately owing to his association with the Clintons in the first place. He was just "giving back" by way of a monetary thank you to the celebrity presidential couple who have, perhaps inadvertently, done so much…

Entry from April 29, 2015

Just over a year ago I wrote of the Twitter-bombing I had received on account of having written that the movie 12 Years a Slave would have been better, and even more effective as propaganda, if it had allowed itself to present an ever-so slightly more benign portrait of slavery in the ante-bellum South than the exaggeratedly…

Entry from April 22, 2015

As a scandalologist of long standing, I am fascinated by the Clintons’ apparent invulnerability to the sorts of claims of wrong-doing that routinely cripple or disqualify other, lesser politicians, at least since Bill’s impeachment back in 1998. To some extent, of course, this is easily explained. For scandal to be wounding or fatal, it has…

Entry from March 23, 2015

Peter Tait, the Headmaster of Sherborne Preparatory School in England — where, by the way, a preparatory school is one that prepares children to take at age 13 the "Common Entrance" exam into that special class of private schools that can call themselves "public"— wrote an article for The Daily Telegraph the other day insisting that…

Entry from February 20, 2015

Is it just me or has the theatrical culture of the English-speaking world gone into a terminal decline? I would think that perception a sign of my advancing age but for the occasional straws in the wind to suggest that I am not entirely alone. Janice Turner in The Times of London, for example, writes…