Entry from June 13, 2014

Was it Locke or Hobbes — I can never remember — who said that princes always exist in a state of nature with respect to each other? At any rate, it is clear that the state of nature in which princes — or, as we should say, nations — do exist is a Hobbesian one….

Entry from June 11, 2014

This summer I am once again presenting on behalf of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Hudson Institute in Washington a series of six movies. The general theme this year is Middle America and the Movies. The films are being shown at the Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street N.W., Suite 600, and you…

Entry from June 5, 2014

The appalling decision of the Obama administration to pay a ransom to the Taliban of five of their own fighters, imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, for Sgt Bowe Bergdahl gives rise to the thought: will this finally be the moment when the military breaks out of its 60-year trance during which it has allowed itself to…

Entry from May 31, 2014

Although I’m on my feet at six o’clock of a week-day morning, I usually allow myself a bit of a lie-in on the weekend, and so, as an added benefit, I normally miss the President’s weekly radio address, which comes on at 6:35. I often hear the Republican "reply" at 7:35, but do not much…

Bad words

Bad words

Literary decorum is obviously on the way out in the media, but must that mean there is no longer any such thing as news not "fit to print"? — From The New Criterion of May, 2014

Entry from May 18, 2014

Apparently, in biblical archaeology, there is something called the "too good to be true" rule, recently invoked in connection with the "Jesus’s wife" fragment of papyrus that some have tried to use to justify a re-think of 2000 years of Christian teaching, not only about the life of Christ but also about sexual morality and…

Entry from May 6, 2014

The best joke from Joel McHale’s appearance at the White House Correspondents dinner — as transcribed for the Washington Post — ran as follows: America is doing just fine, guys. How do I know that? Because we are making a fourth movie about trucks that turn into giant robots. And why are they making a Transformers…