Entry from October 31, 2020

Whatever happens in the election on Tuesday, I’m pretty sure about the course that journalism will follow for the next four years and beyond. The campaign by the media during the last four years to discredit and, so far as possible, to destroy President Trump will continue if he wins. It could only be derailed,…

A Mystery

A Mystery

At the end of the summer and what is conventionally considered the beginning of the election campaign, it seemed to me that there was one great mystery about the state of the country. Of course, it doesn’t exist, or exist as mystery, for the “woke” left or the infallible moralists of the Cancel Culture. There…

Good and Evil: Now Everyone Knows Where to Find Them

Good and Evil: Now Everyone Knows Where to Find Them

This article appeared in The Epoch Times of October 29, 2020 under the headline: “Good and Evil: Now Everyone Knows Where to Find Them” You don’t have to be as old as I am to remember a time when the meritocracy (as our bumptious ruling class likes to call itself) took pride in its distinction…

Entry from October 22, 2020

In Britain, as in the U.S., opinion polls consistently show that more people favor stringent public health measures against the coronavirus than favor less stringent measures. In Britain, however, they ask people about lockdowns specifically, where American pollsters, obsessed like the rest of the media with Donald Trump, rarely do. Instead their questions about the…

Mostly peaceful

Mostly peaceful

Why do the media sacrifice what little remains of their credibility to deny the obvious violence of revolutionary activity in our streets? — From The New Criterion of September, 2020

Entry from September 19, 2020

As her exiled majesty, Hillary Clinton, has graciously informed us that we are not to be permitted to re-elect Donald Trump this year, it follows that Joe Biden, Democrat, must be our next president. In name at least. But now that we know our Democrat-determined destiny, some people are beginning to realize the saliency of…