We’re the Millers
An often funny but ultimately depressing take on where and how American family values, if any, still exist
An often funny but ultimately depressing take on where and how American family values, if any, still exist
People who kill people sometimes come to feel sorry for those they killed. Who knew?
Don’t go to this movie if you are expecting a barrel— or even a small pitcher — of laughs.
The science of "Breaking Bad" as a Promethean assault on realities that lie beyond scientific inquiry — From The New Atlantis of Winter/Spring, 2013
Glimpses of our country as it once was, marked by a certain hopefulness — From The American Spectator of July-August, 2013
[See discussion under “My Diary” for July 3, 2013]
The smooth moves, and rough edges, of baseball’s infancy. From The Weekly Standard of July 29, 2013
This summer I presented on behalf of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Hudson Institute in Washington a series of six films on the general theme of Why We Fight: War Movies and War, Then and Now. The films were shown at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. The series concluded on Wednesday,…
[See discussion under “My Diary” for July 25, 2013]
What looks like an attempt at satire has lost, or never found, that edge of hatred that good satire needs
An often funny but ultimately pretty trivial movie about the pain of adolescents with absent fathers
This summer I am presenting on behalf of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Hudson Institute in Washington a series of six films on the general theme of Why We Fight: War Movies and War, Then and Now. The films are being shown at the Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street N.W., Suite 600,…