Entry from June 25, 2012

What a surprise. The New York Times finally notices the war on the young that has been written about at some length by Walter Russell Mead, Niall Ferguson, and David Willetts, among others — including liberals like Stephen Marche and Matt Miller — but without so much as a mention of any of them, nor of the principal…

Entry from June 21, 2012

This summer I am presenting on behalf of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Hudson Institute in Washington a series of five films on the general theme of The Enemy Within. The films are being shown at the Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street N.W., Suite 600, and you can go to the EPPC or…

Entry from June 19, 2012

Talk about your cheap shots! The New Republic is, as you might expect, not short of reasons for thinking that Mitt Romney is a mug — Mitt the mug — and a bum and no potential president at all next to the magazine’s hero and idol, President Barack Obama. But what are we to think…

Entry from June 11, 2012

A more-than-usually silly article in The Washington Post’s Style section this morning attempts to make it matter for regret that, since Watergate (whose 40th anniversary we are meant to be celebrating), every political scandal has had to have the -gate suffix attached to it. “Until the ever-loving end of time,” writes Monica Hesse, “we, the people,…

Entry from May 30, 2012

The Washington Post’s long-time advertising campaign, centered around the tautological slogan: “If you don’t get it, you don’t get it” is easy to dismiss as typical media grandiosity. But I think we ought to take it seriously as a statement about how the Post and most of the rest of the mainstream media see the…

Look Back in Hunger

Look Back in Hunger

If you’re in the business of peddling fantasy yourself, you’d better find a way to persuade people that reality is the fantasy — From The American Spectator of May, 2012

Entry from May 23, 2012

There is to be a new movie made from Vera Brittain’s Testament of Youth starring Saoirse Ronan, as we learn from The Daily Telegraph of London. Yesterday, that newspaper offered the hospitality of its columns to Mark Bostridge, brother of the tenor Ian Bostridge and Vera Brittain’s biographer to explain why her book “continues to…