Entry from May 24, 2011

An Interesting Juxtaposition. Just as the British press is full of excitement and indignation about superinjunctions — that is legal gag orders obtained by various celebrities to stop the media from publicizing the details of their sexual peccadillos — it is also full of news and comment on two high-profile cases of sexual misbehavior not…

There Be Dragons

There Be Dragons

A remarkably sympathetic portrayal of the early life of St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei — though it gains nothing from being tangled up with a fictional romance

Entry from May 19, 2011

Since my last post about the phenomenon of “SlutWalking” a furious debate on the subject has continued in the U.K. as seemingly every female columnist for the “quality” papers there has felt herself called upon to comment, explaining why SlutWalking is either a good or a bad thing for women. But although the demonstrations began in…

Win Win

Win Win

A charming and funny moral tale which rises above its lightness and slightness to entertain as the movies used to entertain

Entry from May 10, 2011

“When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less,” said Humpty Dumpty to Alice. That was once thought to be a joke, but now Humpty’s dubious lexicographical privilege heads up the bill of feminist demands against the general — or, as they would have it,…

Entry from May 5, 2011

The great Daniel Finkelstein of the London Times reports that an anagram of “Osama bin Laden” is “Lob da man in sea.” That’s the kind of insight which may produce a degree of enjoyment in those of us who have long wished ill to so dedicated an enemy of this country but who find the…

Entry from April 30, 2011

Didn’t I always tell you — for instance here and here — that the guy was not to be trusted? Now we learn that Superman is going to renounce his American citizenship and with it any chance of relegation to mere heroism — as opposed to the superheroism he and his many admirers seem to prefer. I wonder…

Entry from April 28, 2011

“Obama’s release of birth certificate does little to allay ‘birther’ fears” proclaims this morning’s Washington Post. Not if they can help it anyway! After all, as today’s Guardian announces  “Republicans will rue their birther backing.” Why wouldn’t The Guardian, as much as The Washington Post, want them to go on ruing it for as long as…

Entry from April 26, 2011

According to Laura Donovan of The Daily Caller “Kate Middleton and Prince William’s upcoming nuptials have gotten more press in the United States than in England” — which, in case you didn’t know, is “the country where they will actually tie the knot this Friday.” Under the possibly mistaken impression that there’s not much more to…

Man Down

Man Down

Kay Hymowitz explains what happened to young men’s sense of shame for a failure of manliness — from The Washington Times of April 26, 2011