Winter in Wartime (Oorlogswinter)
An exciting and well-plotted if somewhat sentimental adventure set in the closing weeks of World War II in occupied Holland
An exciting and well-plotted if somewhat sentimental adventure set in the closing weeks of World War II in occupied Holland
Further to my last post, the view that conservatives and Republicans are out of touch with reality looks like becoming the latest meme of the left about the right — and not only with respect to the Paul Ryan budget plan. Fred Hiatt of The Washington Post puts skepticism about global warming — or, as he…
According to Lisa de Moraes in the Washington Post, “Charlie Sheen — the tiger-blooded, Adonis-DNA’d sitcom star who vowed last month never to return to ‘Two and a Half Men’ ‘for as long as this warlock exists in the terrestrial dimension’ — wants his job back.” Well, well. What a surprise! We can only hope that,…
A very great film by the Danish director Susanna Bier which is also a parable for our utopian times
Well, it’s official. Ezra Klein, the boy wonder blogger of the Washington Post has announced in today’s paper that “the budget [Paul] Ryan released last week is not courageous or serious or significant. It’s a joke, and a bad one.” Might as well pack up and go home to Wisconsin, Paul. How can you ever show…
There’s been rather a fuss in the British media lately over the teaching of history in schools. Niall Ferguson, professor of history at Harvard and Oxford and what the British call a “telly don” decries the ignorance of British schoolchildren and the parlous state of history teaching when “it is possible to leave school in England…
In his article in yesterday’s New York Times on the National Museum of China in Beijing, Ian Johnson could not refrain from pointing to the ideological tinge given to the history on display there. There is hardly any mention of the Cultural Revolution, for instance, which convulsed China for a decade, wrecked its economy and its…
More than a few conservative scribes have spotted the item by Jennifer Steinhauer in The Caucus blog of The New York Times the other day about an open mike slip by Democratic senators. Led by Senator Schumer of New York, they were being instructed in advance of a conference call with reporters, to refer to everything…
What’s behind the strange new respect for the memory of Ronald Reagan, even on the part of some of the liberals who once hated him — From The New Criterion of March, 2011
If the idea of artistic greatness is making a comeback, it will be subversive of the reigning po mo orthodoxy — From The American Spectator of March, 2011
Back during the presidential election campaign of 2004, I remember thinking that there was one and only one reason for wishing for a Kerry victory. That was out of sheer curiosity as to how far and how long an American president could get away with pretending that this country was Canada — which is to…