Entry from February 3, 2009

I can’t resist this telling juxtaposition. In yesterday’s Washington Post a front page story by Brigid Schulte breathlessly announced a “Fresh Look at Martha Washington: Less First Frump, More Foxy Lady.” Here’s how it begins: This just in: Martha Washington was hot. Or at least hotter than we thought. Our image of the mother of…

Entry from January 31, 2009

President Obama as good as told us during the ca mpaign that he thought there was a virtue in talking to our enemies simply for the sake of it — as if it were inconceivable to him that such a proof of good faith could not in itself fail to placate them. They might not…

Entry from January 29, 2009

What a lot the folks at NPR — among others — are making of President Obama’s promise in his electoral address that “We will restore science to its rightful place.” An interview the other day on “All Things Considered” with Harold Varmus, a Nobel prize-winning doctor who was director of the National Institutes of Health in…



The decision to make this based-on-fact saga into a thriller rather than a moral drama may have been arisen from the assumption that the audience wouldn’t know how the story comes out

Enemies of the Good

Enemies of the Good

Because goodness, like heroism, is an embarrassment to the post-modern critic, he can only treat it as caricature — From The American Spectator of December, 2008-January, 2009

Gran Torino

Gran Torino

Clint Eastwood gives us more of his seemingly endless late-life penance for Dirty Harry when all we want is for Harry to come back

Entry from January 27, 2009

Although he doesn’t say so, Bret Stephens’s article in today’s Wall Street Journal, “Guantánamo Is No Blot on U.S. Honor,” seems to have been written in reply to one by Karen J. Greenberg in Sunday’s Washington Post, which refers to Gitmo as a “shameful episode” and “one of the most shameful passages in [America’s] history” as well…

Entry from January 25, 2009

The election was hardly out of the way before the media started noticing that there might be the odd hitch in prospects for the fulfilment of the new President Obama’s campaign promises. In particular, his promise to close the prison for terrorists at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, suddenly came to seem less than a simple matter….