Entry from August 30, 2018

Let’s play a little game of guessing what is the paper — and what is the editorial position of the paper — in which the following “news” headlines have recently appeared. No peeking by clicking on the links prematurely: 1. President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days. 2. The New York Times…

Entry from July 12, 2018

President Trump’s visit to Britain today prompts one to wonder if that country is catching the American disease, which is a bio-spiritual ailment called irony deficiency anemia. The left-wing Labour mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has authorized the flight of a giant balloon, tethered in Parliament Square, purportedly representing a caricature of the President as…

Entry from July 7, 2018

It would be superflous to rehearse the multiple stupidities of Adam Liptak’s New York Times article of last Sunday headed "How Conservatives Weaponized the First Amendment." Others, including David Marcus of The Federalist have already done that. But Mr Liptak’s piece is so disingenuous that any attempt to answer his argument — if you can dignify it…

Entry from July 4, 2018

"Democracy requires principled gov’t. Thank you Red Hen!!" So read the placard someone placed outside the restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, which drove away Sarah Huckabee Sanders last week for no better reason than that she worked for President Trump. The sign expressed a widely held opinion, but it happens to be false — indeed, almost…

Hungry like the Wolf

Hungry like the Wolf

For all their passionate hatred of President Trump, the media increasingly seem to be just going through the motions in pursuing him — From The New Criterion of June, 2018

Entry from June 8, 2018

“We are not going to judge you on your outward appearance,” says Gretchen Carlson of the Miss America Pageant — excuse me, “Competition.” It sounds like a joke, or perhaps a Buddhist koan: when is a beauty pageant not a beauty pageant? When it doesn’t judge you on your outward appearance. Not so long ago,…

Entry from May 31, 2018

Here’s what Giles Coren, house humorist (and restaurant critic) at The Times of London, wrote in a recent "Notebook" column in that paper about an important game of "football" — i.e. soccer — which was played last weekend in Kiev (or Kyiv, as I find it is now more often being transliterated), Ukraine: I haven’t…

Stormy Weather

Stormy Weather

Yet another media-contrived scandal brought up against him seemingly fails to get the job done against President Trump. What is going on here? — From The New Criterion of May, 2018

Trying times

Trying times

On some of the recent media outbreaks of utopian thinking and what they tell us about the dire state of the culture — From The New Criterion of April, 2018

Entry from April 27, 2018

The British, I think we can say with some confidence, are not entirely happy about the bond formed between Donald Trump and, Emmanuel Macron, so prominently displayed during the French president’s state visit to Washington. Our transatlantic cousins on the other side of la Manche have often in the past had occasion to mention the…