Seres Queridos (Only Human)

Seres Queridos (Only Human)

The Spanish title of Only Human by Dominic Harari and Teresa Pelegri is Seres queridos, or “loved ones” and suggests one of those happy-clappy, boosterish Euro-junk films, like Cédric Klapisch’s Auberge Espanole, in which everybody is part of one big happy European family living in a tolerantly multicultural spirit stronger than any differences between them….



Anyone who loves words and word games, and especially anyone who has ever struggled with the New York Times crossword, will find a lot to enjoy in this movie

Viele Feinde, keine Ehre

James Bowman glaubt, daß der Terror weniger durch die Religion als durch eine Ehrkultur motiviert ist. Er fragt, was wir dem entgegenzusetzen haben — From Welt am Sonntag of June 4, 2006

On Our Honor: An NRO Q&A

James Bowman discusses his new book, Honor: A History, with Christina Hoff Sommers, author of Who Stole Feminism? and The War Against Boys — From National Review Online, May 30, 2006