

There is more than a hint of political correctness about this film’s self-discoveries, which the audience will have figured out long before the characters do

Entry from June 6, 2005

One of the striking things about press coverage of the unmasking of Watergate’s “Deep Throat” has been that, while there have been multiple suggestions of a real debate about whether Mark Felt’s actions in revealing confidential FBI information to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post were admirable or not, there have been…

Bottled Whines

Bottled Whines

The vast corporate conspiracy to take over the world, to work or poison people to death, and to elect evil Republicans reaches the wine industry — from The American Spectator of May, 2005

Entry from May 24, 2005

The pampered darlings of the media are feeling sorry for themselves again over the Newsweek Koran-flushing story. Look how those intellectual thugs of the right-wing blogosphere and the Bush administration are criticising them for getting a silly little story about Koran desecration wrong while they themselves are so decent, so saintly that they would sooner…



Making her movie comeback on Friday the 13th as part of a double-act with half of the cursed and talent-deprived Bennifer duo? What could Jane Fonda have been thinking?

Entry from May 9, 2005

The outcome of the British election produces mixed feelings in many an American conservative’s breast. On the one hand, Tony Blair and his Labour party are, despite their move to the right in the last ten years, off the charts in American political terms. Their enthusiasm for government spending and for governmental solutions to social…