Entry from March 31, 2005

It’s one of those moments when the abyss seems to open up at one’s feet. There is no surprise, of course, in the fact that a judge should have affirmed the right of a husband with an obvious interest in getting his wife out of the way to starve her to death just because she…

Midsize Man

Midsize Man

Once you had to read the right books to cultivate a reputation for intelligence; now you only have to go to the right movies — from The American Spectator of March, 2005

Entry from March 7, 2005

In the school where I once taught, they used to tell the story of the smart-alecky boy in chemistry class who, upon being given meticulous instructions as to the day’s classwork, put his hand up and asked: “Please, sir, why do we need to do this experiment? You already know how it comes out, and…

Gunner Palace

Gunner Palace

A film that tries to sell its anti-war message by making American soldiers in Iraq into victim-heroes. Haven’t we seen this somewhere before?

Entry from February 25, 2005

“Raw Language Of War Will Fall On PG-13 Ears,” headlined the Washington Post this morning. The story told of how a new documentary about the Iraq war, Gunner Palace, is to be viewed without its original “R” for language, since the Motion Picture Association’s Ratings Board had upgraded its earlier rating, “agreeing with the filmmakers that…