

Is Adam Sandler the model of manhood for young adults today as Paul Newman or Marlon Brando were for their parents or Gary Cooper or Clark Gable for their grandparents?

Entry from December 14, 2004

According to a report by the staff of Representative Henry Waxman of California, a Democrat and frequent critic of the Bush administration, at least some high school students who have taken part in abstinence-only sex education programs funded by the federal government have been given “false, misleading, or distorted information.” Ceci Connolly of the Washington…

Entry from November 30, 2004

Not that I would like for a single moment to be thought an apologist for poor sportsmanship, let alone for what by all accounts would seem to be the appallingly unsportsmanlike Ron Artest, but isn’t the outpouring of criticism that has lately greeted this Indiana Pacer’s attack on a basketball fan in Detroit — as…

Hoosier Heathen

Hoosier Heathen

Without any other standard of morality, we must make do with what’s “normal.” So are we saved from the only remaining sin, hypocrisy. — From The American Spectator of November, 2004

Long Dimanche de Fiançailles, Un (A Very Long Engagement)

Long Dimanche de Fiançailles, Un (A Very Long Engagement)

Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the creative force behind A Very Long Engagement (Un long dimanche de fiançailles), has always been a quirky director. In fact, “quirky” is putting it mildly. His early films, Delicatessen (1991) and City of Lost Children (1995) often seem like illustrations for the definition of “post-modern” proposed by Moe Sislak of “The Simpsons,”…