Serving Sara

Serving Sara

Beautiful people having funny adventures on the wrong side of the law and getting rich. You’ve just got to love them —  don’t you?

Entry from August 21, 2002

John Edwards’s Presidential PAC is calling itself “New American Optimists” — a fact which, so far from being itself a sign of optimism, is running neck and neck with Bob Dole’s slogan in which he claimed to be “the most optimistic man in America” as the most amusingly cynical thing any politician has said in…

Entry from August 16, 2002

Memorializing September 11th, Part Two. How could anyone resist the invitation? “Certificate enclosed to honor Mr James Bowman on the Wall of Tolerance,” announced the envelope — right under: “Please R.S.V.P.” Not surprisingly, the certificate to the effect that my name was on the W. of T. and co-signed by Morris Dees and Rosa Parks…

Entry from August 13, 2002

The question of whether or not Michael Sells’s book, Approaching the Qur’an: The Early Revelations, should be required reading for the incoming freshmen at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has already become one for the “culture wars.” Pavlovian responses on both sides suggest that no one really wants a “debate,” as such affairs…

Entry from August 9, 2002

Memorializing September 11th, Part One: The fact that advertisers are saying they won’t advertise and networks (at least Fox) are saying they won’t run advertisements on September 11th makes the interesting point that, somewhere in the backs of our minds, there is still a sense of the honorable limits to commercial activity. Of course, we…

Entry from August 7, 2002

Movie Odds and Ends: John Hayward writes about Minority Report: If anything, I thought your review cut the movie a remarkable amount of slack for its implausibilities. Are we to believe that the same America which agonizes endlessly over the delicate legal rights of John Walker Lindh, and seems ready to summarily execute police officers…

Entry from August 5, 2002

When Richard Nixon lost to Pat Brown in the California gubernatorial race of 1962 and subsequently staged his petulant, “you-won’t-have-Nixon-to-kick-around-anymore,” press conference, President Kennedy was reported to have observed that: “Nixon went out like he came in: no class.” Maybe there’s something about losing the presidency by a whisker after you have been “only a…