Entry from January 30, 2014

Oh-oh. This morning’s Washington Post tells us that “Hillary Rodham Clinton” — and since when, I wonder, has her maiden name once again become an obligatory part of her identification in the media when just “Hillary” would be quite enough? — holds a commanding 6 to 1 lead over other Democrats heading into the 2016 presidential…

Entry from January 18, 2014

The new movie Lone Survivor retells the true story of a small band of Navy SEALs on a covert mission in Afghanistan who chance upon some Afghan goat-herds, one of whom is a small boy. The SEALs surmise, correctly as it turns out, that if the goat-herds are allowed to proceed on their way unmolested,…

Entry from January 2, 2014

What a comfortable world of easy simplicities you must live in if you write editorials for The New York Times. Today, for instance, the editorialists tell us that, after careful study, “most economists” have concluded that the progressive view, the New York Times’s view of the minimum wage was the right one all along and…

Entry from December 18, 2013

The neoclassical dictum that art ought to represent reality is obviously something of a dead letter when reality itself loses its shape and its hitherto clear outlines before our eyes and becomes clouded by ideology. Reality to Marx meant something quite different from what it was to his philosophical predecessors (“. . . the point,…



A genuinely moving story of a mother in search of her lost child which, nevertheless, suffers from an all-too familiar sort of self-righteousness



A very funny but moving portrait of an old man, living in exile from his own life, who receives an unexpected touch of dignity and love