Entry from July 11, 2011

Today’s Daily Telegraph reports on the reception of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge by some of the stars who are from time to time referred to in the media as “Hollywood royalty”: It may be decades before they are at the head of the monarchy, but Prince William and Kate Middleton reigned supreme as the…

Entry from July 7, 2011

The news that the Obama White House is henceforth to send letters of condolence to the families of military suicides — but only if they commit suicide in a combat zone — is seen by The New York Times as a progressive move. Today the paper editorializes that the change is heartening for grieving families…

Entry from July 6, 2011

This summer I am presenting on behalf of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Hudson Institute in Washington a series of five films on the general theme of Heaven. The films are being shown at the Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street N.W., Suite 600, and you can go to the EPPC or Hudson websites…

Entry from June 30, 2011

In yesterday’s New York Times, that paper’s regular reviewer of video games, Seth Schiesel, made the bizarre contention on the basis of the Supreme Court’s ruling striking down a California law against violent games that “It is now the law of the United States that video games are art. It is now the law of…

Entry from June 29, 2011

This summer I am presenting on behalf of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Hudson Institute in Washington a series of five films on the general theme of Heaven. The films are being shown at the Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street N.W., Suite 600, and you can go to the EPPC or Hudson websites for…

Entry from June 26, 2011

How to explain the media’s enthusiasm for Jon Huntsman? Today’s New York Times Magazine profile by Matt Bai is headed “Huntsman Steps Into the Republican Vacuum.” Republican vacuum? Oh, he must mean all those nasty conservatives vying with each other for the Republican nomination for president in 2012 whose collective presence in the eyes of The…

Entry from June 21, 2011

What next for Anthony D. Weiner? Today he ceases to be a congressman, and, apart from the therapy he has promised to seek and a job offer from Larry Flynt, he appears to have nothing much on his plate for the time being. Well, an idea struck me as I was reading a recent obituary in…