Entry from June 15, 2011

In his review in The New Statesman of Windsor Mann’s compilation, The Quotable Hitchens: From Alcohol to Zionism — The Very Best of Christopher Hitchens (Da Capo Press, $17.00), George Eaton cannot resist quoting himself quoting Hitchens quoting himself in an interview for, uh, The New Statesman shortly before the latter’s diagnosis with esophageal cancer a…

Entry from June 13, 2011

There’s not been much good news for Democratic Representative Anthony Weiner of New York recently, but one bit of it comes along today with the early signs that his indecent exposure scandal has moved on to what we might call its “cultural studies” phase. That’s not so good as having it disappear from the public…

Entry from June 9, 2011

Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is the current guest editor of the British political weekly, The New Statesman — a remarkable datum in itself, if you ask me — and he has taken the occasion to criticize the British government, also known as “the Coalition,” in somewhat puzzling terms. Like other European governments,…

Entry from June 7, 2011

Last September, when Lady Gaga first announced the title of her now just-released album, “Born This Way,” at the MTV Video Music Awards, she marked the occasion by appearing in a hat, dress and boots made of raw meat. Was she born this way? For someone who has made her name and reputation so largely…

Entry from May 31, 2011

According to today’s Washington Post “Cost of war in Afghanistan will be major factor in troop-reduction talks.” Says Rajiv Chandrasekaran The U.S. military is on track to spend $113 billion on its operations in Afghanistan this fiscal year, and it is seeking $107 billion for the next. To many of the president’s civilian advisers, that…

Entry from May 29, 2011

As with the “Slut Walkers” mentioned in two previous posts here and here, the story about the Canadian couple who are raising their child to be “genderless” is one that has resounded throughout the English-speaking world but not, for some reason, in the U.S. There was a report on Fox News about it, but if the…

Entry from May 27, 2011

“Media Throw a Fit Over ‘Rude’ Netanyahu ‘Lecturing’ Obama” reported Geoffrey Dickens of the indispensable Media Research Center. For many in the media Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s reaction to Barack Obama[‘s] insistence that his country return to the 1967 borders was out of bounds. ABC’s Christiane Amanpour declared she was “stunned” by his “public lecture” of…