Entry from December 20, 2010

“Do we really need another woman as Speaker of the House.” Ouch! That was the comment of snarky Joel McHale of “The Soup” on the now famous scenes of John Boehner crying during his interview with Lesley Stahl on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” Amazing — isn’t it? — how some people can get away with politically…

Entry from December 16, 2010

Looks like the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is on the way folks, though a traffic jam in the Senate may yet prevent it during the time of the lame duck Congress — than which the measure is never likely to find a better chance of passage. As yesterday’s New York Times editorial  headlined,…

Entry from December 7, 2010

Further to my post of last month on the case of Phil Woolas, the British Labour MP who was expelled from the House of Commons for — I still can’t quite believe it — lying about an opponent during an election campaign, the High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division in the form of a three-judge…

Entry from November 30, 2010

In an article in yesterday’s New York Times headed “The Partisan Mind,” Ross Douthat laments, as others (including me) have done before him the hyper-partisanship that characterizes our public life these days: Up to a point, American politics reflects abiding philosophical divisions. But people who follow politics closely — whether voters, activists or pundits — are…

Entry from November 22, 2010

In yesterday’s Washington Post, Tammy Schultz argued that what is now beginning to seem like the imminent repeal of the armed forces’ Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy ought to please rather than alarm the Marines — who, as we learn from a leak of the Pentagon’s study of the subject, now to be published a day earlier…

Entry from November 19, 2010

In yesterday’s Washington Post, Matt Miller of the Center for American Progress took on such tea-party favorites as Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio as well as a tradition very much older than either of them that goes under the name of “American exceptionalism.” In his op ed, provocatively headed,”Ohhh, America, you’re so strong,” Mr Miller asked:…

Cool It

Cool It

An exercise in political incorrectness that is made palatable, so at least one may hope, to a strongly liberal and politically correct audience

Entry from November 17, 2010

Not being a regular reader of the Daily Kos or watcher of “Countdown” on MSNBC, I missed Keith Olbermann’s extraordinary apolgia pro vita sua after his suspension by his network for political contributions to Democratic candidates. My attention was called to it by Matt Lewis of Politics Daily, who was as amazed as I was that,…