Entry from July 1, 2010

At the height of the McChrystal affair, Lucian Truscott IV, scion of a distinguished military family and author of novels like Dress Gray and Heart of War about corruption and illicit sex in uniform, wrote an op ed in The New York Times taking the General to task for saying of the men on his staff,…

Entry from June 30, 2010

This summer I am presenting on behalf of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Hudson Institute in Washington a series of six films on the general theme of “The Pursuit of Happiness.” The films are being shown at the Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street N.W., Suite 600, and you can go to the…

The Elite Beat

Having helped to elect President Obama, the media can now take up their self-assigned places as junior partners to the oligarchy over which he presides — From The New Criterion of June, 2010

Entry from June 24, 2010

My last post was on the effects of President Obama’s unfamiliarity with the honor culture among nations — a deliberately-cultivated unfamiliarity arising out of the crypto-pacifism of the “progressive” left in this country as in others in the West. Now he has obligingly given us a demonstration of his equal unfamiliarity with the honor culture of…

Entry from June 23, 2010

This summer I am presenting on behalf of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Hudson Institute in Washington a series of six films on the general theme of "The Pursuit of Happiness." The films are being shown at the Hudson Institute, 1015 15th Street N.W., Suite 600, and you can go to the…

Entry from June 21, 2010

A report in this morning’s Washington Post by John Pomfret offers an unintended glimpse into the amateurishness of the Obama administration’s foreign policy. There is, according to Mr Pomfret, a debate within the inner circle of national security advisers as to whether or not to send an American aircraft carrier to join South Korean naval maneuvers…

Entry from June 17, 2010

The ghastly sludge that pollutes the waters of our political and media cultures washes up revoltingly under our noses in the headline to the New York Times’s “News Analysis” by Peter Baker of the President’s Oval Office address on Tuesday about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. “Obama Seeks to Shift Arc of…