Entry from June 15, 2010

There was a bit of a fuss in Washington last weekend about the fact that the Washington Post was giving away posters depicting Stephen Strasburg, the pitching phenom on the city’s National League baseball team, the, er, Nationals, in the act of throwing his first major-league pitch — but only to those who bought the…

Entry from June 9, 2010

Nearly eight years ago, I wrote in The New Criterion about what I called “the aristocracy of feelings” — that is the media’s idea that democratic leaders should be expected to show their fitness to govern by a public display of feeling which they, the media, regarded as an infallible token of genuineness. Only certain feelings,…

Entry from June 7, 2010

One of the commentators on my last post seems to have thought that the point of it was to brag that I saw the Gore split coming ten years ago when I made my own comments on the phoniness of Al’s supposedly passionate kiss, planted on a surprised Tipper, on the stage of the Democratic National…

Entry from June 3, 2010

To the admirers of Al Gore, the recent announcement that he and his wife, affectionately known as “Tipper,” are splitting up comes as a bolt from the blue, a stunning development that seems almost incomprehensible. “If you were going to bet a political marriage would fail, Al and Tipper Gore”s would have been about the…

Entry from May 28, 2010

Today’s New York Times has an obituary of John Finn, a Medal of Honor recipient from California who died yesterday at the age of 100. He was the last of the 15 service members who received Medals of Honor for their actions during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Mr Finn, a…

Entry from May 25, 2010

If you were to cut out the front-page story in today’s Washington Post headed, “Obama backs ‘don’t ask’ compromise that could pave way for repeal,” you would incidentally mutilate a page two story printed on the back of it about the firing of Admiral Dennis Blair as Director of National Intelligence. The second story is headed, “White…

Entry from May 21, 2010

President Obama is of course still backing Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal in his candidacy for the Democratic nomination to succeed Christopher Dodd in the U.S. Senate, but I am still amazed that the latter’s shameless lie of claiming to have served in Vietnam when he hadn’t is not regarded by the rest of the world…

Entry from May 17, 2010

At first glance it seems very odd that John F. Burns’s New York Times article on the in-fighting in the British Labour party in the wake of its election defeat should show us the scorecard and the players in such detail while doing almost nothing to describe the political differences between them. We learn, for instance,…