Entry from October 13, 2009

Some years ago, Michael Gove wrote, a propos of the emerging debate over the Iraq war, that scientists have a phrase for the point at which the known universe ends, and a black hole begins. They call it the event horizon. In recent months it has become clear that a similar phenomenon is at work…

Entry from October 9, 2009

When I type the word “aspirational” I notice that my word processing program underlines it in red, signifying that it does not recognize the word. I hardly recognize it myself, but lately have felt the need of it more and more. WordPerfect, like the rest of us, had better get used to it. Formerly “aspirational”…

Entry from October 6, 2009

The media haven’t yet fallen out of love with President Obama, but they’re beginning to ask themselves whether or not criticism of President Obama from the left is a serious news story and, if it is, how it should be treated. For now it remains pretty much a joke, but there are hints and warnings…

Entry from September 30, 2009

Odd, isn’t it, how the progressive side in the culture war is forever telling those of us on the conservative side how silly we are for fighting at all? I think it must come, like so much else in the progressive program, from the legacy of Karl Marx. Whatever else they do or don’t accept…

Entry from September 28, 2009

The British seem to prefer turning the ordinary responsibilities of private life over to the government, but do they really love their National Health Service or not? The answer is probably that, like an overbearing or interfering parent, it is both loved and hated at the same time. Few would do without it, but fewer…