The Plame Game

The Plame Game

The media’s lust for scandal is only partly because they hate George W. Bush. They also want to attract an audience by wrecking America’s political culture — From The New Criterion of September, 2005

Talking Dirty

Talking Dirty

Dirty jokes just aren’t what they used to be. What do you have to do around here to violate a taboo, anyway? — From The American Spectator of September, 2005

Entry from September 29, 2005

Now that they are over, we can ask what were the anti-war demonstrations in Washington last weekend for? Though the demonstrators professed to want to meet with George W. Bush, they cannot have had much of an expectation that they would or that, if by some fluke they did, they would have stood the slightest…

Dear Wendy

Dear Wendy

Lars von Trier is back on his hobby-horse: creating an alternative version of America to attack because he knows nothing of the real America