Motorcycle Diaries, The

Motorcycle Diaries, The

Che Guevera is still a political rock star here in the land he despised — so what if he killed Cuban “class enemies” and helped impose on those who survived exile, oppession and poverty?

Entry from September 21, 2004

American theatre-goers may not yet be fully aware of it but the British playwright, David Hare (Plenty, A Map of the World, Racing Demon etc.), has added his 2p worth to the outpouring of artistic protest against the American and British governments which took their countries into war in Iraq. Stuff Happens, which takes its…

Silver City

Silver City

John Sayles preaches yet another of his tedious sermons in the hope, presumably, that his two-cents’ worth might just tip the scales of public opinion against President Bush



Pity the poor celebrity! Harried, persecuted and plotted against by paparazzi scum, is it any wonder if he takes the law into his own hands?

Entry from September 1, 2004

Conventional Poetry: These five poems about the Republican National Convention were written for broadcast on National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” during the week of August 30-September 3, 2004 Sing, O Muse, your most heroic Ditty:Republicans convene in New York City,Where we shall see kick off their fall CampaignGiuliani, Schwarzenegger and McCain.All hail th’Mod’rates of…

Entry from August 27, 2004

The McGreevey story just doesn’t stop yielding up its lessons for our times. The other day, Francine Prose wrote in The Washington Post that “It might be argued (and I would agree) that Dina McGreevey”s most intimate feelings are not the public’s business. And there’s something admirable about remaining silent and displaying grace under pressure.”…