Entry from March 26, 2009

Well, you might as well go ahead and be frank about it as The Politico did about the President’s televised press conference on Tuesday evening. The headline to their article by John F. Harris and Jonathan Martin yesterday read: “What Obama said and what he meant.” Their view was that the President’s “responses were typically variations…

Entry from March 23, 2009

I wonder if there is a case to be made that all the worst things about American popular culture of the last 40 years — and what a lot of them there are to choose from! — are the fault of the late Jack Valenti? Specifically, he is to blame for the introduction of the…

Entry from March 19, 2009

A review by Julian Barnes in The New York Review of Books of three new American editions of essays by George Orwell reveals that at St Cyprian’s, his prep school — in Britain a prep school is a private school for boys under 13 seeking entrance at that age to “public” or posh private schools —…

Sunshine Cleaning

Sunshine Cleaning

Derivative and way too heavily overstocked with morals, themes, narrative false starts and pathos, this movie is nevertheless not without its entertaining qualities

Entry from March 16, 2009

Though I know that the notorious description by John Stuart Mill of the 19th Century British Conservative Party as “the stupid party” could hardly be said to apply to conservatives in general, I have never minded very much accepting the description for my own party. I even regard it is as being something of a…

Entry from March 13, 2009

The following, slightly adapted, was my introduction of Christine Rosen this morning when she gave one in this year’s series of the John Henry Cardinal Newman Lectures of the Institute for the Psychological Sciences at the offices of the Family Research Council in Washington. Look for a video of the lecture itself, titled “Virtual Friendship…

Entry from March 9, 2009

Not surprisingly, the spin of the Washington Post about the Obama administration’s lifting of restrictions on government money for stem-cell research exactly matches that of the President himself, as I noticed at the time, in his inaugural address. “Obama Aims to Shield Science From Politics” goes the headline to a piece by Rob Stein in today’s…

Entry from March 6, 2009

Readers with long memories — long as these things go in the world of Blog and Twitter — will remember my posts of February 12th and February 17th in which I remarked on the curious emphasis in the rhetoric of President Obama on the catastrophic economic situation he purported to see himself confronted with. Where, I thought,…