Entry from March 27, 2008

Bill Clinton may not be the most graceful in utterance of our public men, but no one has ever thought his political instincts to be less than finely tuned. So when the other day he said: “I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people…

A New Kind of Right

A New Kind of Right

Everyone should own this excellent handbook to and history of American conservatism, written by someone who was there from the beginning — From The New York Sun of March 25, 2008

Entry from March 10, 2008

“I can understand why Prince Harry would want the media to respect an ‘embargo’ for weeks or months so he could fulfill his dream of fighting on the front lines of a war. What I don”t understand is why editors would ignore their news judgment — and abdicate their mission — and play along.” Columnist…

Entry from February 29, 2008

Yesterday, February 28, I gave a talk at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., about my new book, Media Madness, which is published by Encounter Books in its Brief Encounters series. Responding was Martin Walker, formerly head of UPI and Washington and Moscow correspondent for The Guardian of London. Here’s what I had…

Nerd Do-Wells

Nerd Do-Wells

Without faith in something outside oneself, there is nothing to believe in but the endless fascination of one’s own intellect — From The American Spectator of February, 2008

Entry from February 8, 2008

Last week, Barack Obama came up with what he doubtless saw as a snappy comeback in answer to Hillary Clinton’s oft-repeated boast that she would have the experience to be ready to govern “on Day One” by saying that “it is important to be right on Day One.” I hold no brief for either of…

Samurai Sage

Samurai Sage

Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, maker of Seven Samurai and Yojimbo, helped bring a new kind of hero to the American movie screen — From The American of November-December, 2007