A sort of post-modern tragedy — if that’s not a contradiction in terms — that is too faithful to the novel but will probably win lots of Oscars for it
Ken Burns is at it again — From The New Criterion of November, 2007
The idea behind this movie is mistaken, I think, but its execution makes it very watchable
A gross and vulgar movie without even the excuse of being very funny
Americans are living in an eternal present without the awareness that knowledge of the past used to give that it could be different — From The American Spectator of November, 2007
A bittersweet and often very funny look at family relationships which, in spite of a good script and a great cast, doesn’t quite come off
A bit of magical realism that is too heavy on the magic and too light on the realism
A visit to the Ethics and Public Policy Center recently by Dr Anthony Daniels, who writes under the name of Theodore Dalrymple for The Spectator, The New Criterion and City Journal, among many other publications, painted a desperately gloomy picture of life among the British underclass — which he had spent many years as a…
A feel-bad movie about one of the world’s more intractable crisis points which unwittingly illustrates the inadequacies of the progressive approach to such problems
How can you create a decent sexual fantasy, let alone an indecent one, when the culture insists on treating fantasy as reality? — From The American Spectator of October, 2007
The media are connoisseurs of hypocrisy in others but never see any in themselves when they humiliate and torment public officials for it — From The New Criterion of October, 2007