Entry from July 4, 2007

This summer, on eight successive Tuesday evenings, I am presenting a series called The American Movie Hero (go to www.americanmoviehero.com) at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington. The third film in the series, Fred Zinnemann”s High Noon, with Gary Cooper, screened on Tuesday, July 3rd. Before showing the film, I spoke as follows: Recently, I received…

The Liberationist Myth

The Liberationist Myth

It’s not violence in the movies that inspires real-life killers but the idea — which movies foster — that “violence” is morally undifferentiated — From The American Spectator of June, 2007

Getting it Right?

Getting it Right?

For some, at least, Vietnam was a romantic crusade which ended in victory for the defeatists. They’d like to repeat their triumph in Iraq — From The New Criterion of June, 2007

Entry from June 27, 2007

This summer, on eight successive Tuesday evenings, I am presenting a series called The American Movie Hero (go to www.americanmoviehero.com) at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington. The second film in the series, Alan Dwan’s The Sands of Iwo Jima with John Wayne, screened on Tuesday, June 26th. Before showing the film, I…

Entry from June 20, 2007

This summer, on eight successive Tuesday evenings, I am presenting a series called The American Movie Hero (go to www.americanmoviehero.com) at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington. The series opened on Tuesday, June 19th with Sergeant York by Howard Hawks. Before showing the film, I spoke for a few minutes, first about the…

Unborn in the USA

Unborn in the USA

A relatively fair and dispassionate look at anti-abortion activists by a couple of young film-makers on the other side which, however, doesn’t tell us much that we don’t already know